April 29, 2019

Scalp massage has been a traditional practice in cultures with older generations particularly in eastern countries starting at an early age. The persistent hair massage with certain oils is probably good blood circulation is maintained making them less prone to breakage and loss. Hair loss is an increased problem these days due to stress, nutritional

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April 21, 2019

Roses have been used since ages to soothe and calm the skin,nourish the spirit and even balance our emotions. Rose water toner not only helps nourish the skin but also soothes tensed nerves after a particular stressful day. Spritzing a rose water toner on clean skin not only gives a bright glow but also helps

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March 3, 2019

Wondering why the skincare that worked wonders initially, has suddenly stopped showing results? Well, like all the other detox’s in your lives, diet, digital and relationship, you also need a skin detox. It works like this- like all the other organ of your body, your skin gets affected by the repercussions of polluted air, poor

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February 21, 2019

I know how convenient it is to wipe off your face with a cleansing wipe at the end of a long day .But you must know that proper cleansing is required even if you wipe off the last trace of makeup and grime from your face. Let me put it this way, your face is

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February 7, 2019

Feeling good and looking good are two extensions of health that go hand in hand.  And nothing speaks of this more than good hair health. Thick healthy hair is a fundamental part of your appearance. The manufactures are spending millions of dollars in developing effective hair health products. Ancient herbal traditions have found some amazing

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