We all know that sugar makes us put on those extra pounds and is not good for the health of our heart and increases the risk of diabetes but did you know that it can also hinder your efforts in achieving your beauty goals?
Lets first talk about the ‘sugar face’ symptoms.
The infamous ‘sugar face’ is not exactly a pleasant tag where vanity is concerned.
In the beauty community, ‘Sugar face’ is described as a face with wrinkles (particularly on the forehead), Pigmentation patches, acne breakouts, haggard appearance, Sagging skin under the eyes and a pale shade to the complexion.
Well, if you see all or some of these symptoms on your face, you need to check your sugar intake.
High sugar doesn’t only mean eating cakes and chocolates all day long. Rather it’s also the hidden sugar present in breads, sauces, ketchup, some fruits and granolas that are equally harmful.
But how does sugar harm our skin?
When we eat sugar or high glycemic food (bread, white rice, potato) that instantly turns to sugar, the body breaks these carbohydrates into glucose that makes the insulin levels high.
This high level of insulin creates inflammation in the whole body. This inflammation results in the production of particular enzymes that breakdown collagen resulting in wrinkles, lines and sagging.
Here are some common effects of indulging too much in high glycemic foods:-
1. Wrinkles
The process is called Glycation. It works like this – when we eat sugar, it permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin.
This process of glycation increases the effects of ageing resulting in lines and wrinkles.
2. Acne
The process of glycation breaks the sugar down and bonding it with proteins, aggravating skin conditions like acne and rosacea.
3. Pigmentation
High intake of sugar might result in insulin resistance in the body that can lead to pigmentation and dark patches particularly in the body creases.
4. Sagging
Refined sugar or other simple carbohydrates like white rice and bread cause sudden increase of insulin levels which in turn causes inflammation throughout the body.
This inflammation results in sagging of the skin.
Tips to counteract the effects of sugar on skin:-
1. Keep your sugar levels consistent by eating frequent balanced meals through out the day.
2. Get enough sleep because lack of sleep releases a stress hormone, cortisol, which causes the insulin, levels to rise.
3. Eat enough proteins in your meals because they don’t result in sudden raise of insulin, the way carbohydrates do.
4. Check your stress levels as stress can shoot up the insulin levels.
Therefore high sugar levels are as bad for the skin as for the overall health. It will not only effect your waistline but also your skin health.
As the saying goes “If you want sweeter looking skin, sidestep the sugar”.